Create Channel
This page explains the steps to create a channel through which your prospects can receive the EnCaps.
Navigation: Admin->Channels
1. Channel page lists the channels that are already configured for your use.
2. To create your own channel, click Create New Channel and enter the name of the channel in Name.
3. Select your desired type of channel (SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram) from Type.
Create SMS Channel
1. To create a new SMS channel, select the type of channel as SMS from Type.
2. Choose the Vendor for the selected channel for example, select the SMS vendor Karix.
Info! Karix helps you to integrate across channels like SMS, WhatsApp, and RCS.
3. If you choose Karix as the Vendor, provide the Karix credentials in appropriate columns. That is, Copy and Paste the AUTH ID and AUTH TOKEN in Karix username and Password. Refer Link Karix Account to view more about obtaining AUTH ID and AUTH TOKEN from Karix.
Info! The Karix AUTH ID and AUTH TOKEN can be obtained after you have registered in the SMS provider portal.
4. Enter the Waba Phone number with country code and without any space. Example: +919847472431
5. Click Create Channel to create the new SMS channel.
Let us configure a new channel called "New SMS Channel" for using it to launch Book Store EnCap.
Give the inputs in the appropriate columns as illustrated in the steps given above.
After the successful creation of the New SMS Channel, it is displayed in the list of channels as shown in the figure below:
Clicking on the channel name shows your vendor (Karix) Account Details on the right side of the Edit Channel page.
To Create a WhatsApp Channel
In this page, you can create your own WhatsApp channels easily by a click of a button at a reduced cost.
1. To form a new WhatsApp channel, go to Channels page and click Create New Channel.
2. Give a unique name for the WhatsApp channel.
3. Select the type as WhatsApp to create a WhatsApp channel.
4. Choose your WhatsApp vendor as Karix and provide the authentication credentials as described in Step 3 of the Create SMS Channel section.
5. Enter the Waba Phone number with country code and without any space. Example: +919847472431
6. Then click Create Channel to create a new WhatsApp channel.
7. You can use this channel to Publish a WhatsApp journey in Twixor EnCaps.
To use Karix RCM API
You can also use Karix RCM channel to publish your campaigns through WhatsApp.
Follow these steps to create a Karix RCM account:
1. To configure Karix RCM channel, follow the steps from 1 to 3 in To create a WhatsApp Channel topic given above.
2. Select the WhatsApp vendor as Karix RCM.
3. Select the environment as Sandbox or Production.
- Click Sandbox to start the integration and testing right away without any special access.
- Select Production environment to avoid any sandbox restrictions. Contact Karix RCM support to move your application to production environment.
4. Enter the Account Key that can be obtained from the Karix RCM by contacting their support offline.
5. Enter the Waba number with country code and without any space. Example: +919847472431
6. Waba Id will be fetched by Karix team from their Facebook Portal.
Info! Account key, Waba Phone Number, Waba Id will be provided by Karix RCM by contacting their support offline.
To create a Telegram Channel
Telegram has evolved into one of the most popular and highly secured global messaging app with over 400 million users.
The Telegram integrated with Twixor allows you to employ this potential and reach out to your customers on their favourite channel.
Get started with the Telegram Channel by these steps:
- Navigate to the Admin main menu and select Channels.
- To create a new Telegram Channel, click Create Channel button and enter the channel name in Name.
- Select the type of channel as Telegram.
- Select the vendor.
Enter the Hub account name or HTTP Auth login name.
Info! Contact your SAP/ Sinch Account Manager for login credentials
Type the basic authentication token.
Click Create Channel to create a new Telegram Channel. The channel will be created if the authentication credentials provided are valid.
Info! SAP 365 vendor and Sinch is included in the current version of Twixor.
Sinch and SAP Social Channels 365 mobile service supports many social channels including Telegram to allow customers to connect globally.